Walks Camp Lutheran Comparison
Walks Camp Lutheran Church
Here is an example of when taking the extra time to get the shot pays off. The bottom photo is an un-edited straight from camera image that was just a quick snap. I had set my camera to manual mode so I can control my f/ stop and shutter speed. I didn’t use a tripod instead I just snapped a quick image. It is good but pretty boring with no mood.
The image to the right here is what you get when you spend the time to set up the shot. I got my tripod out and I used a 10 stop ND filter. This allowed me to do a 2min long exposure getting motion in the clouds and pull more color from the sky as the sun was setting behind me. I also waited a bit for the clouds to break behind me and the sun to light up the front. The wind was really bad while shooting and it was very cold, 34 degrees. My tripod is sturdy and heavy so the image stays sharp. Normally I do not like these straight on shots but it worked well for this one.
In photoshop I did some dodging and burning to get a nice contrast of the lights and darks. I also added some selective hue / saturation coloring and used the clone stamp to remove the distractions.
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