Enzo 2 Years Gone
2 years ago today was perhaps one of the saddest days of my life. Saying goodbye to my best friend. My best friend who I have spent nearly 16 years with. He was always there for me through good days and bad days. Greeting me at the door when I would come home. Greeting me in the morning when I wake up. Keeping me fit always wanting to go on walks and hikes. Keeping me in line to clean, so much hair. When you get a pet you know the day will come but you can never prepare for it. There was a time when he was 10 years old and got bit by a rattlesnake, gave me a real scare. We rushed to the vet and I was so worried I was going to lose him but like the champ he was he recovered and was home the next day. Almost 6 years went by since that incident it was 6 great years.
Having to make the decision was so difficult. He was 15yrs 9 months old at this point. He was so amazing and I was not ready to say goodbye but I also knew keeping him around was becoming selfish. I had planned my entire life around him and the thought of him not being around or having to change my life was scary. I made the call to a vet numerous times and kept delaying knowing the decision had to be made. Days leading up to this day were so rough, but also knowing it was coming made the last days a little easier. It wasn’t a surprise so we could plan activities and spend quality time together. One last car ride, last walk, meal. The hardest part was the night before, going to bed knowing it would be the last time saying goodnight to him. When the day came we had a vet come to the house and he was able to pass peacefully in my lap with a full belly of treats. Nothing can prepare you for this time, watching your pet take his last breath. With all of this and how sad I was, it was ‘best case’ scenario and I am thankful every single day that we had a proper goodbye and he was able to be home for his final moments. Not having to take him to the vet was so much better on both of us. It wasn’t a ‘rushed’ decision he was not spending his last moments scared in a strange land and I didn’t have to leave a vet office without my beloved friend. I still have all of his stuff and his room is the way he left it. Toys, beds and a bag of treat in the same location. Even though it has been 2 years I am still not ready to get rid of his stuff. I still think about him every single day and very slowly adjusting to life without him by my side.
I miss you every single day buddy and hope you are chasing snowballs in doggy heaven!